5 Reasons to Hit The Gym in Fall
There’s never a bad time to join a gym or fitness center and get in shape, but the fall brings extra motivation for those of us who want to stay in reasonable shape all year. If you don’t want to cut out all the fun — and food — of fall, then it might be best to dedicate a little more time to your fitness.
With the weather getting colder, it’s a great time to get into the gym. The top-of-the-line equipment at Spunk Fitness can’t make it sunny and warm outside, but it can keep you in your summertime body. Our fitness centers are some of the best gyms out there, and at the best prices. With all the fun you’re going to have this fall, we can help you keep your spunk through some of the good times ahead.
Times For Food, Friends, and Fitness:
Football Sundays — Some people want to be in the gym every day of the week. We understand if that’s not you, especially during football season. If you’re someone who’s up for football all-day on any given Sunday, who eats a slightly unreasonable amount of chips, tacos, pizza, or wings during those days, well that’s some of us too. However, you can catch us on the treadmill enjoying Monday and Thursday Night Football while getting some cardio in as well.
Halloween — Halloween is some people’s favorite holiday, especially when it comes to adulthood. There are no expensive gifts to buy or giant meals to prepare, but what there is, is lots of candy and costumes. For those of us who go all out for Halloween as adults, we want to look our best in our costume and a little extra fitness leading up to the holiday certainly helps in that regard.
Did we mention the candy? Being healthy and fit doesn’t mean you can’t indulge every once in a while and Spunk Fitness isn’t the type of place where we’d want you to skip out on fun, but we won’t blame you if you want to burn off that extra bag or two of candy.
Thanksgiving — Thanksgiving is a time for being thankful, especially for the food you’re about to mow down. You should enjoy the day, being with your friends and family, and filling your merry heart with all the food you might desire. Thanksgiving isn’t a time to hold back your appetite, but once you wake up from your gravy-laden, turkey-induced nap you might start thinking about your fitness and how much you ate. Brush it off, there’s still pie to be had. But on Friday, maybe you should get to the gym.
Family Photos — With all the holidays, football, and gathering of family and friends in the fall, there’s bound to be some pictures taken, and we all probably have an unflattering photo or two floating around from years past. Don’t let it happen this year, you can stay ahead of the curve all fall long and still look good, even if there’s gravy on your face.
Because Winter is Coming — As much food as we get to enjoy in the fall, the really hard times for fitness are coming. The cold weather has a tendency to make us want to eat heartily and curl up on the couch. It’s only natural if you spend fewer days in the gym, but a few more in the fall could help you come out of hibernation looking a little less… bearish.
At Spunk Fitness, we’re a top-of-the-line gym built for everyday people. We have no illusions of all of our clients becoming bodybuilders or supermodels, but our fitness center and fitness instructors can help you stay healthy all year long. Come in or call today to fall into fitness this autumn!
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